Trust & Confidence

 Trust is the basic foundation of any relationship in both professional and personal capacity. Honesty is the key that results in trust and sustains a relationship. It is a two-way street where both people should have the necessary trust in each other.

Be reliable and then build trust so that both of you can depend on each other to complete the work at your mutual satisfaction. If a person wants to encourage a healthy relationship or build a winning team in the workplace then remember that it is only possible by encouraging trust and positivity in life.

Transparency, willingness to share and authenticity are the main components that can help you in your desire to build trust. Remember trust is an open and honest emotion that is constructive as well as collaborative because it leads to better efficiency and productivity in life.

[HO1 - Holistic Overwiev #1] Cost of Lost Customers

Customer retention is very important for a company if it wants to grow and reach its apex. However, many of these companies also lose customers over time. In fact, at the start of a business, more customers are lost then gained because of low trust in the product and the brand. So what can be the cost of lost customers?

A Crisis Will Occur !

Some companies work on the assumption that a crisis will never happen. They're wrong. At some point, every company or high-profile individual will face a challenge to their reputation, which can be devastating if not handled properly.

WOMM - Word of Mouth Marketing

Word of Mouth, and the concept of marketing it, is certainly not a new idea. Yet, in this age of instant communication, mass media, and more media paths than ever before, the simple concept holds as much power as ever, if not more. In fact, as new forms of communication arise, marketers are discovering new ways of harnessing its power. WoM marketing is one of the oldest, and currently the strongest marketing tactic for any marketer. A newly launched product or service can become a hit or a flop due to word of mouth marketing. As the popularity and penetration of internet and social media rises, word of mouth marketing is becoming more and more important for all brands. 

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X-Pulse, The Think Tank

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At a Glance...

We believe in what we do, and that it is worth doing well. Others may see this as a cost-adding factor.
We at PHMC GPE believe that our working model will bring added value for our Customers to strengthen their businesses.
PHMC GPE LLC is an innovative company constantly keeping its knowledge and skills up-to-date. We are providing solutions to our clients meeting ROI and maintaining profitability.
PHMC GPE LLC is constantly working on new innovations. This ensures our clients to get flexible and scalable solutions.
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Holistic Overview #1

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Holistic Overview #1


Holistic Overview #1


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Company Offices


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Marketing and Corporate Communication Agency, Print, ON and OFF Line...

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Positioned to Influence... Appointed to succeed !