The purpose of this article is to detail customer value & customer relationship value thinking .
Customer relationship value, is more customer life-time value and customer value is more or less yearly or budgeted value for the customer. We are trying to figure out for example the profitability of the customer this year. First of all, we have to think what different dimensions determine relationship value.  What are the dimensions of customer relationship value in your business. Dimensions are business and industry specific although there are few similar dimensions in all businesses.

Why InBound Marketing is Important to Your Business?

What is Inbound Marketing and Why Is It So Important to Your Business?

Inbound marketing is the process and strategies of Holistic Marketing which focus on bringing relevant customers and prospects to your website and business. People today use the internet to find information on the products and services they need, and inbound marketing has become very successful because it targets consumers the way they shop.

As a marketer, you need to ensure that your business is where your customers are. So if your customers have gone mobile, then the mobile device is clearly the place to be.

“There is no ignoring the fact that mobile is where your customers are,” says Keith Jopling, SVP at KAE. “A study by eMarketer estimates there will be 34.6 million smartphone users in the UK by 2014; that represents 53.7% of the population – not really a figure you would want to overlook.”

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X-Pulse, The Think Tank

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At a Glance...

We believe in what we do, and that it is worth doing well. Others may see this as a cost-adding factor.
We at PHMC GPE believe that our working model will bring added value for our Customers to strengthen their businesses.
PHMC GPE LLC is an innovative company constantly keeping its knowledge and skills up-to-date. We are providing solutions to our clients meeting ROI and maintaining profitability.
PHMC GPE LLC is constantly working on new innovations. This ensures our clients to get flexible and scalable solutions.
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Holistic Overview #1

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Holistic Overview #1


Holistic Overview #1


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Company Offices


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X-Pulse, The Think Tank

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