Boomerang Effect – Definition, Theory and Examples

The boomerang effect is the opposite or negative outcome of an attempted attitude change. It occurs when you receive the unintended consequence of your effort to persuade someone that lets you face a contrary position.

For example, if you try to change the prejudices of a community aggressively and it drives community people to harden their prejudiced stance then this would be the result of the boomerang effect or negative attitude change.

Guess What...... Survey System


The ultimate intention of any business is to increase sales and profit of the business. Business research can be defined as a process of getting extensive information of all the sections of businesses and using that information two amplify sales and profit for the business. The research also helps to serve the purpose for entrepreneurs who decide whether or not to enter a particular business.

Calculate your Site Bounce Rate?

When a website is created for a brand, the main aim is to attract traffic on the website. The advertisers and the brand owner take so many steps and make so many strategies in order to increase traffic on the website. In doing so, it is important to keep track of a number of things that can help in measuring a number of elements such as the behavior of the visitors, their reactions, and so on. Measuring these elements can help the site owners to work on them even more in order to get even better results. Among various terms that are being used in digital marketing, one of the most common ones is the bounce rate. Knowing how to calculate bounce rate will decide the success of your marketing campaign.

Bounce rate is also said to be the easiest one to understand even by someone who is not much aware of digital marketing and in this post, we will be diving deep into its world and understand its key idiosyncrasies and significance.

What is a Press Kit and How to create an efficient one?

What is a Press Kit?

A press kit is also known as a media kit. It consists of all promotional material about a company, a person, or a company. The press kit or media kit is given to media or press people in order to establish public relations with them or to carry out a promotional campaign. Because of this reason press kit is widely known as a media kit.

The press kit is used by a company to promote its promotional campaigns or a product and to make an effective impression on the people of the media as media has the power to build or ruin the image of companies. Therefore, companies make extra efforts to create a positive image by sending a press kit and media people publish information provided in the press kit to a much wider audience.

The Psychology of Color...

The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding

The psychology of color as it relates to persuasion is one of the most interesting--and most controversial--aspects of marketing.

The reason: Most of today's conversations on colors and persuasion consist of hunches, anecdotal evidence and advertisers blowing smoke about "colors and the mind."

To alleviate this trend and give proper treatment to a truly fascinating element of human behavior, today we're going to cover a selection of the most reliable research on color theory and persuasion.

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X-Pulse, The Think Tank

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At a Glance...

We believe in what we do, and that it is worth doing well. Others may see this as a cost-adding factor.
We at PHMC GPE believe that our working model will bring added value for our Customers to strengthen their businesses.
PHMC GPE LLC is an innovative company constantly keeping its knowledge and skills up-to-date. We are providing solutions to our clients meeting ROI and maintaining profitability.
PHMC GPE LLC is constantly working on new innovations. This ensures our clients to get flexible and scalable solutions.
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Holistic Overview #1

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Holistic Overview #1


Holistic Overview #1


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