Maintenance: Server and Site

Maintenance: Server and Site

We have taken some time to write you an article to educate everyone on the importance Website Maintenance has on your website’s and/or company’s success online. It is a common misunderstanding that once you have published your website online, your job is now done. This is not True.
In order to have a successful website, there are some weekly/monthly server and website maintenance tasks that must be performed.

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Why does WebSite and WebServer Maintenance Need to be performed?

  • Periodical Bug Checks: It is importance to periodically perform “Bug Checks” on your website. These tasks consists of checking your website for broken links, making sure that all of the contact forms on your websites are still intact & working, Checking your websites coding for security holes, & updating any scripts/plugins your website has installed.
  • Content Management: To bring in organic keyword related traffic to your website, you must gain rankings for keyword terms that target your website’s pages in Search Engines like Google, Bing, & Yahoo. This can be achieved by writing quality content & keeping new content constantly in rotation on your website. Staying ranked high in Search Engines for keywords related to your industry. This is what helps separates yourself from your competition.
  • Weekly/Monthly Backups: Usually business or eCommerce websites consist of big online databases storing important information. Nobody wants to lose such an important asset to your websites success. Databases often become corrupted or crashes. This is why Weekly/Monthly backups must be performed of your website.
  • Monthly Analytic Reports: Performing a monthly analytic report on your website is important to your company’s website success because with this you can find out how many visitors are coming to your website every month (total website hits & unique traffic), what Search Engines & Keyword terms were used to bring the traffic to your website, & how your visitors got there (including how much time visitors spend on each Web Page). With this information you can get to know what Keyword Terms are serving its purpose & what keyword you need to improve on. This is a great tool for Marketing.
For more or if you are still a bit lost,
kindly review this page and/ or Contact us

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X-Pulse, The Think Tank

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X-Pulse a Reg TM® of PHMC GPE LLC 

At a Glance...

We believe in what we do, and that it is worth doing well. Others may see this as a cost-adding factor.
We at PHMC GPE believe that our working model will bring added value for our Customers to strengthen their businesses.
PHMC GPE LLC is an innovative company constantly keeping its knowledge and skills up-to-date. We are providing solutions to our clients meeting ROI and maintaining profitability.
PHMC GPE LLC is constantly working on new innovations. This ensures our clients to get flexible and scalable solutions.
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Holistic Overview #1

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Holistic Overview #1


Holistic Overview #1


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Company Offices


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    uk Maintenance: Server and Site | ::: PHMC GPE LLC :::: Marketing & Corp. Communication AgencyLondon UK
    usa Maintenance: Server and Site | ::: PHMC GPE LLC :::: Marketing & Corp. Communication Agency Broadway USA



X-Pulse, The Think Tank

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X-Pulse a Reg TM® of PHMC GPE LLC 

Marketing and Corporate Communication Agency, Print, ON and OFF Line...

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Positioned to Influence... Appointed to succeed !