These are two different concepts even if there's a close link between the 2.
Build your Strategy, then enable the right tools ......
Online Marketing has become a messy mix of direct marketing, SEO, Tricks, Tips, code and guesswork. It’s an always-moving target and it’s mostly focused on tactics, not strategy, because tactics are easy to measure.

Marketing Online, on the other hand, is what happens when the work to serve our audience arrives in an electronic form. Marketing online is simply marketing–the act of making things better by making things–aided by a mouse and a keyboard.
Careful not to get stuck focusing on the wrong one.
You need both, but one drives the other.
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[WEBINAR SEGMENT] What about your web site?
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The SEAL of P.H.I.L.- Episode 30 R O I
The SEAL of P.H.I.L.- Episode 29 Internal Marketing
The SEAL of P.H.I.L.- Episode 28 l'Humain au Coeur des préocupations!
The SEAL of P.H.I.L.- Episode 27 Why you're not yet a Billionaire?
The SEAL of P.H.I.L.- Episode 26 It was an amazing summer
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The SEAL of P.H.I.L. - Introduction
The SEAL of P.H.I.L.