Importance of Marketing Ethics

Importance of Marketing Ethics

Marketing Ethics can be defined as the set of guidelines and the area of applied ethics that acts as a guiding light behind the operations and regulations of marketing. Some of the areas of marketing ethics overlap with the ethics of media as they both are co-related.

The set of ethical guidelines needs to be dedicatedly followed by the management and marketing department whilst working on the various marketing strategies and marketing campaigns to promote the products and services offered by the firm to the target market.

1) Customer Loyalty

The first and the most crucial factor in the list of Importance of Marketing Ethics is that it helps the company to win the trust and loyalty of its customers on the long-term basis as it is the basic human nature and tendency to go for the brand that is genuine in its nature, its products and services offered are authentic, and they sell the exact products and services that are shown during the marketing campaigns and artworks.

Hence, it is always imperative for the management and the marketing department to display the company attributes and the details of products and services offered that are true and bonafide in each and every aspect.

2) Long-term gains

Understanding the Importance of Marketing Ethics is not only the long-term goal and objective of the company but there are various long-term gains attached to following the same such as customer loyalty, high credibility in the market and in the minds of the customers, increased market share, enhanced brand value, higher sales, and elevated revenues amongst others with the company able to accomplish its both short term and long term objectives in a successful manner.

2) Builds credibility

When the company follows the intricacies and the nuances of the marketing ethics on a consistent and continuous basis in all it marketing and promotional campaigns, it slowly and gradually builds its distinctive niche in the market as a genuine and authentic brand that also results in the factor of credibility building for the company within the industry amongst its peers, contemporaries, investors, and other stakeholders plus in the minds of the customers as well.

3) Leadership

When the company grasps and understands the intricacies of the Importance of Marketing Ethics and formulates it as one of its crucial objectives, it attains the status of a leader in the market with the competitive brand trying to benchmark its practices and strategies owing to the company laying and following the rare path of marketing ethics that results in the various benefits such as loyal base of customers, higher sales, and increased market share, working as a source of inspiration for one and all in the market.

4) Satisfies basic human needs and wants

Following the Importance of Marketing Ethics makes the company fulfill and satisfy the basic human needs and wants of trust, faith, and integrity as these are the basic factors that the customers look forward from the brands whilst indulging in the purchase of the products and services offered by the firm. And when the company is able to satisfy the basic needs and wants of the customers, it will enjoy the long-term benefits such as customer loyalty, trust in the brand, faith in its offerings, and the word of mouth publicity that will earn various referrals to the company.

5) Displays rich culture

When the company follows the path marketing ethics, it only enjoys the various benefits from the external environment of the business but even the internal environment comprising of the staff and employees is well defined and systematically aligned as it displays and boasts of the rich and authentic culture. The internal staff is highly motivated and continuously strives to help the management attains the overall business objectives as it provides the required impetus to their professional career graph as well. Plus they take immense pride in working and their association with the company and express the same to their social circuit that showcases the rich and genuine culture of the firm in the market.

6) Attracts talent

It helps the company to attract the talented professionals who wish to get associated with the company as internal employees, vendors or consultants as getting attached and associated to the firm that understands and follows the Importance of Marketing Ethics will surely provide the boost to their professional trajectory as well. Plus it helps the company to attain its aims and objectives in a short period of time and in a successful manner.

7) Attains financial goals

In order to grow and the expand its business operations, the management of the company always needs investors and financial partners who provide the required funds and investments that will facilitate to launch the new line of products in the market, tap new market locations, and try out innovative marketing and promotion techniques. Hence, to attain the financial goals, it is vital for the company to understand and follow the Importance of Marketing Ethics as it gives the firm a tag of the brand that is genuine in its business operations and offerings.

8) Enhanced brand value

The overall market fraternity, competitors, and the customers look up to the company as the one that follows the marketing ethics in the most dedicated manner, sells what it displays in its advertisement campaigns, exceed the expectations of the customers, sell products and services that are high on the realms and objectives of quality, and sets a new benchmark in the market for the competition to match and follow. All these factors result in the enhanced brand value of the firm making it the most trustworthy and reliable brand in the market.

American Ethical Norms and Values for marketers

The American Marketing Association has designed a statement of ethics that governs marketers’ actions. The introduction of the statement reads in summary that values are the representation of the collective idea of desirable and morally correct conduct. And that the values outlined in the document serve as the standard by which individuals measure their own actions and those of others including marketers. These values facilitate best practices when transacting business with the public and all involved.

There are 6 ethical values that marketers are expected to uphold, and these are:

  1. Honesty – Be forthright in dealings and offer value and integrity.
  2. Responsibility – Accept consequences of marketing practices and serve the needs of customers of all types, while being good stewards of the environment.
  3. Fairness – Balance buyer needs and seller interest fairly, and avoid manipulation in all forms while protecting the information of the consumers.
  4. Respect – Acknowledge basic human dignity of all the people involved through efforts to communicate, understand and meet needs and appreciate contributions of others.
  5. Transparency – Create a spirit of openness in the practice of marketing through communication, constructive criticism, action, and disclosure.
  6. Citizenship – Fulfill all legal, economic, philanthropic and societal responsibilities to all stakeholders as well as giveback to the community and protect the ecological environment.


Astutely understanding and following the Importance of Marketing Ethics works as one of the long-term and crucial objectives of the firm that helps it attain its aims of higher sales, increased market share, superior brand value, competitive advantage for setting a new yardstick for the contemporaries to match and follow, and retain the existing line of customers plus attract the new ones as well.


Sources: PHMC GPE LLC  - Coffee Break -


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